
Chart types (historical)

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Close LineYesYesYesYesYes
OHLC barsYesYesYesYesYes
Candlestick patterns   YesYes
3-Line break  YesYesYes
HL bars  YesYesYes
HLC bars  YesYesYes
Ichimoku chartsYesYes YesYes
Kagi  YesYesYes
Parabolic SARYesYes YesYes
Pivot pointsYesYes YesYes
Point & figureYesYesYesYesYes
Price/Donchian channelsYesYes YesYes
Renko  YesYesYes
Swing charts   YesYes
Zigzag charts/linesYesYes YesYes

Chart types (intraday)

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Mid lineYesYes YesYes
Close lineYesYes YesYes
CandlestickYesYes YesYes
3-Line break   YesYes
Heikin-AshiYesYes YesYes
Kagi   YesYes
OHLCYesYes YesYes
Pivot pointsYesYes YesYes
Point & figureYesYes YesYes
Price/Donchian channelsYesYes YesYes
Range   YesYes
Renko   YesYes
Stop loss/gainYesYes YesYes
Trade dots/line   YesYes

Moving averages

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Simple moving averageYesYesYesYesYes
Exponential moving averageYesYesYesYesYes
Weighted moving averageYesYesYesYesYes
Triangular moving averageYesYesYesYesYes
Variable moving average (VHF)YesYesYesYesYes
Variable moving average (CMO)YesYes YesYes
VIDYA moving averageYesYes YesYes
Bollinger bandsYesYesYesYesYes
Envelopes (Trading bands)YesYesYesYesYes
Keltner channelsYesYes YesYes
Ribbons   YesYes
STARC bandsYesYes YesYes

Indicators (historical)

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Accumulation swing index  YesYesYes
Adaptive stochastic oscillator   YesYes
AroonYesYes YesYes
Average true range (ATR)YesYes YesYes
Beta  YesYesYes
Chaikin oscillator  YesYesYes
Chande momentum oscillatorYesYes YesYes
Chande trend indexYesYes YesYes
Commodity channel index (CCI)YesYesYesYesYes
Coppock  YesYesYes
Correlation  YesYesYes
Directional movement (ADX)YesYesYesYesYes
Ease of movement  YesYesYes
Equivolume  YesYesYes
HV index  YesYesYes
Mass index  YesYesYes
Meisels  YesYesYes
Money flow index  YesYesYes
Negative volume index  YesYesYes
On balance volumeYesYesYesYesYes
Other share or indexYesYesYesYesYes
Pairs   YesYes
Positive volume index  YesYesYes
Price oscillator  YesYesYes
Price rate of change  YesYesYes
Price relative to  YesYesYes
Standard deviationYesYesYesYesYes
Stochastic oscillatorYesYesYesYesYes
Swing index  YesYesYes
TICK  YesYesYes
Trend analysisYesYesYesYesYes
TRIX  YesYesYes
Ultimate oscillatorYesYes YesYes
Vertical horizontal filter (VHF)YesYesYesYesYes
Williams %RYesYesYesYesYes
Williams Acc/DistYesYes YesYes
Williams acceleratorYesYes YesYes
Williams awesome oscillatorYesYes YesYes

Indicators (intraday)

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AroonYesYes YesYes
Adaptive stochastic oscillator   YesYes
Average true range (ATR)YesYes YesYes
Beta   YesYes
Chande momentum oscillatorYesYes YesYes
Chande trend indexYesYes YesYes
Commodity channel index (CCI)YesYes YesYes
Directional movement (ADX)YesYes YesYes
HV index   YesYes
MACDYesYes YesYes
MomentumYesYes YesYes
On balance volumeYesYes YesYes
OscillatorYesYes YesYes
Other share or indexYesYes YesYes
Pairs   YesYes
Price oscillator   YesYes
Price rate of change   YesYes
Price relative to   YesYes
RSIYesYes YesYes
Standard deviationYesYes YesYes
Stochastic oscillatorYesYes YesYes
Trend analysisYesYes YesYes
Ultimate oscillatorYesYes YesYes
Vertical horizontal filter (VHF)YesYes YesYes
VolatilityYesYes YesYes
Volume indexYesYes   
Williams %RYesYes YesYes
Williams Acc/DistYesYes YesYes
Williams acceleratorYesYes YesYes
Williams awesome oscillatorYesYes YesYes

Line studies

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Andrew's Pitchfork  YesYesYes
Cycle lines  YesYesYes
Fibonacci arc  YesYesYes
Fibonacci fan  YesYesYes
Fibonacci projection  YesYesYes
Fibonacci retracementYesYesYesYesYes
Gann angles  YesYesYes
Multi-segment line  YesYesYes
Multi-point fan  YesYesYes
Partial trend  YesYesYes
Percent changeYesYesYesYesYes
Quadrant lines  YesYesYes
Speed resistance lines  YesYesYes
Trend & confidence linesYesYesYesYesYes
U-line  YesYesYes
V-line  YesYesYes
Vertical line  YesYesYes

Market graphs (historical)

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Absolute breadth index  YesYesYes
Advance/decline line  YesYesYes
Advance/decline ratio  YesYesYes
Breadth thrust  YesYesYes
Cumulative volume index   YesYes
McClellan oscillator  YesYesYes
McClellan summation index  YesYesYes
New highs/new lows  YesYesYes
New highs/new lows cumulative  YesYesYes
New highs/new lows ratio  YesYesYes
Overbought/oversold  YesYesYes
STIX  YesYesYes
TICK   YesYes
TRIN   YesYes

Market graphs (intraday)

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Absolute breadth index   YesYes
Advance/decline line   YesYes
Advance/decline ratio   YesYes
Breadth thrust   YesYes
Cumulative volume index   YesYes
McClellan oscillator   YesYes
McClellan summation index   YesYes
New highs/new lows   YesYes
New highs/new lows cumulative   YesYes
New highs/new lows ratio   YesYes
Overbought/oversold   YesYes
STIX   YesYes